X-Virus-Scanned: clean according to Sophos on Logan.com X-SpamCatcher-Score: 1 [X] Return-Path: Received: from vms040pub.verizon.net ([] verified) by logan.com (CommuniGate Pro SMTP 5.1.3) with ESMTP id 1626078 for flyrotary@lancaironline.net; Thu, 30 Nov 2006 20:36:01 -0500 Received: from [] ([]) by vms040.mailsrvcs.net (Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.2-6.01 (built Apr 3 2006)) with ESMTPA id <0J9K00CBYN3QISSD@vms040.mailsrvcs.net> for flyrotary@lancaironline.net; Thu, 30 Nov 2006 19:35:53 -0600 (CST) Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2006 17:35:37 -0800 From: Ken Welter Subject: [FlyRotary] Re: EAA 782 meeting In-reply-to: To: "Rotary motors in aircraft" Message-id: MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: multipart/alternative; boundary="============_-1047185492==_ma============" References: --============_-1047185492==_ma============ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed" I lost 2 engines do to the fact that Ross did not put a thrust bearing in the gearbox and all the thrust from the gears went into the E-shaft so it took out the engine thrust bearings, finally the planet bearings went out and toasted the whole gearbox, most of the problems were from the pis poor engineering and workmanship from Ross and not a C-6 problem, also note that I was running a 3.17 ratio, yes that's right a 3.17 not a 2.17, I had one of the few 3.17 units that he made and I loved that ratio and that's why I am building a 3.21 as I think it will be better for my particular plane however it may not be the best for others. Ken >Ken, >I am currently using a Ross 2.85 with my Mazda 13b. >Could you relate your experiences with your Ross drives and perhaps >let us know what to expect as far as failure modes and what to watch out for? >Thanks, >Jim > >kevin lane wrote: > >I attended the 782 meeting tonight. Ken Welter talked of his rotary powered > >snip > > > he has 2300 hrs behind Mazda engines in his Coot, using up at >least 3 engines and 2 Ross units. > > > snip --============_-1047185492==_ma============ Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" [FlyRotary] Re: EAA 782 meeting
  I lost 2 engines do to the fact that Ross did not put a thrust bearing in the gearbox and all the thrust from the gears went into the E-shaft so it took out the engine thrust bearings, finally the planet bearings went out and toasted the whole gearbox, most of the problems were from the pis poor engineering and workmanship from Ross and not a C-6 problem, also note that I was running a 3.17 ratio, yes that's right a 3.17 not a 2.17, I had one of the few 3.17 units that he made and I loved that ratio and that's why I am building a 3.21 as I think it will be better for my particular plane however it may not be the best for others.

I am currently using a Ross 2.85 with my Mazda 13b.
Could you relate your experiences with your Ross drives and perhaps
let us know what to expect as far as failure modes and what to watch out for?

kevin lane <n3773@comcast.net> wrote:
I attended the 782 meeting tonight. Ken Welter talked of his rotary powered 
 he has 2300 hrs behind Mazda engines in his Coot, using up at
least 3 engines and 2 Ross units.
