Truely something to be very thankful for today.
Congratulations on your first flight and many successful ones to follow.
(Dyke Delta 13B 1hr down 39 to go)
Bob White <> wrote:
I finally got my plane in the air, lifting off at 7:50AM this morning.
OAT was about 40F. Flew for about 20 minutes, did one stall and landed
to check everything.
I bobbled around a bit on take off getting used to the control feel.
Landing was uneventful.
I will need to do some work on cooling as I expected. The oil cooler
location is poor with not enough room behind it and oil temps are
running about 10-15 deg warmer than the water. Both are too high for
summer time flying. Max oil temp was about 220F, so it was higher than
I wanted to see. I also want
to recheck the calibration on the sensors
just to make sure I didn't mess that up.
Another rotary is now flying at least a little. Send me one of those
buttons Tracy! :)
Bob White
N93BD - Rotary Powered BD-4 -
First Flight: 11/23/2006 7:50AM
Cables for your rotary installation -
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