Those of you running rotaries with the EM2.. what ARE you monitoring
(yes.. this is a roll call request).. which points are you instrumenting.
This would be specific to each installation, but here is an example of 'in
addition to normal sensors' for my 3-rotor with 2 coolant radiators: (BTW,
I made my own J TCs)
CHT 1 - Cowl rad coolant out
CHT 2 - Wing root rad coolant out
CHT 3 - " " " air out
CHT 4 - In cowl air temp (near fuel rail; fire detection)
EGT 4 - Re-drive oil out
Aux Air 1 - Cowl rad air out
Aux Air 2 - Oil cooler air out
Liq temp 2 - Oil temp engine out (pan temp)
Along with normal sensors, this give me liquid and air side temps, both in
and out of both rads and oil cooler. Lots of info for diagnostics - most
useful with some means of recording.