Update on my airplane, I now have
four flights on my engine after replacing the seals. Last night I was up for
an hour. At 5000msl it was 28C temps stabilized at 197(water) and 188 oil. I
still need more power. I am only getting 5000rpm static which makes for very
shallow climb outs. In the air, I'm getting between 5500 and 6000 rpm at about
140mph (no wheel pants or fairings).
I did an experiment with a 12" fan
mounted behind the radiator. The fan keeps the water temp under 190 on the
ground, but caused about a 10-15 degree increase in the air. So now I'm
thinking about mounting a small radiator with a fan under the engine.
My next project is to rework the
intake for more static rpm.
Jason (waiting for winter or at
least temps below 90