I followed Ed Anderson's lead and used 304-SS, schedule 40, from R.B.
Wagner (
www.rbwagner.com). From what Ed discovered, the
added wall thickness is thick enough to dissipate the heat. The
main pipe is thinner as the worst of the heat has been dissipated by the time
it gets down that far downstream. He has been running his exhaust system
for a long time without any problem. The drawback is that its heavier
than thinwall. My 20B exhaust system weighs 20#.
WELL, I never claimed it was light, Mark {:>). In
fact, folks have told me that if I had just mounted it to the firewall more
securily, I could have used it as my engine mount. But, you are correct,
no problem with the headers after 293+ engine hours on them. I too use smaller
0.065 stainless steel tube after the headers.