Mailing List Message #252
From: Tracy Crook <>
Sender: Marvin Kaye <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Re: chordwise balancing
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2002 19:14:40 -0400
To: <flyrotary>

> > I machined a cone in a dowl that is a light press fit in the center hole
> of
> > the prop.  I then ballance the prop on a pointed rod (held vertical in a
> > vise) in the center of the machined cone.
> >
> > A sensitive round bubble level (like those on a transit) indicates the
> > direction and amount of imballance.  I use weights rivited to the
> > backing plate to ballance the whole assembly.
> >
> > Tracy
> So does the flat surface of the cone get pressed in past the surface of
> prop so that the point of contact is inside the hole to give some
> Thanks for clarifying this
> Peter

Not sure I understand the question but the top of the cone (It is a concave
cone BTW) where the point of the rod goes should be positioned slightly
above the CG of the prop/spinner, etc.



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