Mailing List Message #250
From: Tracy Crook <>
Sender: Marvin Kaye <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Copperstate Fly-in, Saturday
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2002 19:13:30 -0400
To: <flyrotary>

> Hi All,
> I hope Tracy is all right.  His seminar at Copperstate got canceled.
> I saw Perry Mick's ducted fan EZ, but no sign of Perry.
> If there were any other rotaries there, they were well camouflaged.
> (sigh)
> Dale

I'm fine but that slow moving front that started in texas and ended up here
in Fla. formed a wall of weather I couldn't get through.

Chuck's new engine had the blown front cover O-ring syndrome (low oil
pressure) so he flew his Lyc.

Oh well, better luck next year.

Tracy Crook

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