I guess I have all the annoying
questions these days :-)
My engine has an oil temp sensor
in the pan, and a water temp sensor in the block (near the useless oil
pressure sensor). There’s also an outlet on the water pump housing that
could be used for temp, pressure, or maybe even a level sensor like my FD
Are these stock temp sensors
compatible with most gauges, specifically the EM-2 (Tracy?) ?
If not, how hard is it to find the correct sensors that will screw
into these metric holes (in the US)? Does
anyone know what the thread size of these holes is?
, I don’t think the water level
sensor would work well in the FC housing. Since water will always be
flowing past, it will always seem full, though it would work well when the
engine isn’t running.
Turbo 13B powered RV-3
(experimental aircraft)...Be Afraid :-)
1993 RX-7 R1... Not stock, carry
bail money :-)
Rusty, I attempted to use the stock coolant sensor on
the rear housing of my 86 NA. I found that the curve was quite
non-linear. Would appear to need a gauge with a similar non-linear
response or scale. Attached is the curve I finally plotted (stuck it in
a pot of water and calibrated the curve). I first assumed a linear curve
and attempted to use that for reading coolant temp using an ohm meter.
As you can see in the chart (attached) a linear curve was way off. I
intially took two temp readings, one at boiling point of water and other at
32F and drew a straight line between the two ohm readings which did not work
out. Once I took additional calibration points and plotted the actual
curve (expotential) it worked much better.
I corrected the curve then it appeared to give me readings that agreed with
what I would have expected.