I guess I have all the annoying questions these days :-)
My engine has an oil temp sensor in the pan, and a water
temp sensor in the block (near the useless oil pressure sensor). There’s
also an outlet on the water pump housing that could be used for temp, pressure,
or maybe even a level sensor like my FD has.
Are these stock temp sensors compatible with most gauges,
specifically the EM-2 (Tracy?) ? If
not, how hard is it to find the correct sensors that will screw into these
metric holes (in the US)? Does
anyone know what the thread size of these holes is?
Is the block mounted water temp sensor in a good location to
use? In other words, does it measure the water temp accurately, or does
it mostly measure the housing temp?
Does anyone know off the top of their head how the oil and
water level sensors work? Each has one wire, so I’m guessing the
wire is grounded when either full or empty. Is it just that simple?
I’d probably hook the oil level sensor up to a warning light, and would
also consider using a water level sensor if possible. Unfortunately, I
don’t think the water level sensor would work well in the FC
housing. Since water will always be flowing past, it will always seem
full, though it would work well when the engine isn’t running.
Turbo 13B powered RV-3 (experimental aircraft)...Be Afraid
1993 RX-7 R1... Not stock, carry bail money :-)