aircraft I just happened to see and photograph at Sun-N-Fun last Summer seems to
have had a similar wing-mounted radiator... Worked
Subject: [FlyRotary] Re:
oil coolers
That looks wonderful,
Al, BUT.... I have to wonder.. any loss of lift or disruption with
the use of that arrangement?
Anyone else doing it
that way or are you the first that you know of..
one other that I know of that has flown, and it was on a lesser scale – two
aircraft coolers side by side. Similar location, just behind the spar
on a Velocity. The cooling was very effective, and no noticeable
effect on flight characteristics. I have about twice as large (long)
an opening, and on both sides (other wing has a coolant radiator of similar
configuration. Still it is a relative tiny amount of flow, and if the
top fairings maintain attached flow as planned, I’m confident the effect on
aerodynamics will not be an issue. But it is an experimental concept,
that’s for sure.