Mailing List Message #7208
From: Eric Parlow <>
Subject: Re: TCM Contact
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2000 16:12:00 GMT
To: <>
Cc: <>
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Thanks for you comments.

Q--I think that a FADEC is a good idea but I hear so much talk about a
single control FADEC.  This is much like a car with only an accelerator
and a brake (no gear selector or transmission controls).  Isn't this a
bit strange?
A--Think of it as an automatic transmission.  The prop speed will be
determined by the power control position.  Cirrus is using this on the SR-20
with a mechanical link instead of an electronic link.

Q--I have thousands of hours giving flight instruction and the big
problem is not prop controls but mixture.  Why solve a problem that does
not exist and more importantly why make a simple solution more
complicated if there is no need.
A--The goal is a Single Power Control(SPC).  I agree the prop is very easy
to control.  We are not looking to solve a problem.  We consider a single
control simpler for the pilot even though the design is more complex.  We
plan to offer an automatic and manual mode for the prop control.  Manual
Mode will allow similar control to what you have today.  The difference
being a switch for Auto or Manual mode and a dial with an RPM readout.  In
Manual Mode you set the speed and the FADEC will hold it.  The Automatic
mode will control the engine and prop to a predetermined map.  This map will
be configurable by the airframe manufacturer and follow the POH.

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