I routinely flew my lancair 235 with a fixed pitch cruise prop in and out of a 2600 foot paved runway at sea level. Climb performance was around 650 ft per min solo with full fuel. I have never operated this aircraft from a grass field, so I can't comment on the performance impact. My aircraft weights 930 empty and has an O235 L2C with high compression pistons. I would get around 2400 RPM static. I replaced the fixed pitch prop with a MTV1 and now climb around 1300 fpm.
Last week, I departed from a 3800 foot strip at sea level with a 130# passenger and full tanks at 100 degrees F. I weigh 170#. The limited climb performance was obvious, but I was able to accelerate in ground effect to a safe speed long before running out of pavement. I feel like this was the limit for my aircraft and ability. Later, with 20 minutes less fuel, long runways at 104F, we had no problem whatsoever.