I have a pilot friend at the local airport that has bragged to me about his repeated renewal (in his twin Baron) of his membership in the Mile High Club. I won't bore you with the details.
But when asked with a certain level of disbelief, he comments that the membership requirement could easily be fulfilled in my Lancair IVP, and encourages me to do so with certain positional methods and advice. I remain speculative, given my level of Situational Awareness and understanding the space available in the Lancair. Still, he believes it is very possible.
Has anyone joined that Club in a Lancair, and how did you manage throttle/prop/mixture (especially LOP operations) during the membership drive? Any autopilot issues? Other insights would be interesting.
I recently completed my annual recurrency with LOBO, but I didn't discuss this crew resource management issue with my instructor.
Jeff L