After three years of building, we recently flew the anti-Lancair!
Pete Zaccagnino did an excellent job test flying and verifying the airworthiness our second experimental aircraft.
The Texas Sport or American Legend's experimental Super Cub kit was quite a departure from the composite world.
Having received our tail wheel endorsements 5+ years ago Sandy and I were both surprised that landing at 40-50 MPH's in a tail wheel requires a much different (and challenging) skill set then the IV-P. So far it has been kicking our butt! What an incredible joy to fly with doors and windows open!
Our Napa fly-in is planned for October 4-6 this year. Please reserve this date. If acceptable with Pete, we could have a drawing for a flight/lesson in the Cub. It's great to be fast and it's great to be slow!
Stay tuned for info on the flyin...
Craig and Sandy Gainza
Lancair IV-P
Texas Sport