Michael writes:
<<Does anyone know if there are plans to
make the Chelton talk
to the new Garmins?>>
Why would you want to?
The G500 software is certified to DO178B Level C, which puts it
one step above your iPad. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DO-178B
The Chelton code base is certified to Level A. Level A code can't
take instructions from level C code because the level C code has a
much higher likelihood of being wrong.
Chelton is no longer producing an experimental version of its
product. Too much hassle for too little $$s. However the heart of
the system, the software continues to be developed and enhanced
for the certified market. If you are lucky enough to own Chelton
hardware you get all the benefits of the highest reliability
software in the industry. Chelton dedicates a lot of resources to
software development and certification. Garmin dedicates a lot of
resources to marketing.
I know for a fact that there are fleet operators that are removing
Garmin products and replacing them with Chelton. The reason cited?
Full disclosure, my company has designed hardware for Chelton but
we have no financial interest in the company.
Brent Regan