I have noticed the same thing (only sometimes showing up when on flight following). I talked to the FlightAware folks at Sun-N-Fun last year, They say they just pull the data from the system and the controllers don’t always put flight following aircraft into the system. They didn’t know why. Jay From: Lancair Mailing List [mailto:lml@lancaironline.net] On Behalf Of Matt losangeles Sent: Friday, July 15, 2011 8:34 PM To: lml@lancaironline.net Subject: [LML] Re: Certified vs Experimental Flight Hours I have noticed that perhaps 1 in 3 times that I get flight following, it shows up on flight aware. I don't know why it does or does not. IFR flights always show up, at least a portion of them if not the entire thing.
From: paul miller <paul@tbm700.com> To: lml@lancaironline.net Sent: Fri, July 15, 2011 2:05:59 PM Subject: [LML] Re: Certified vs Experimental Flight Hours
Nope, wrong. They track whatever is in the system. Here's my last VFR flight deviating to Alliance Nebraska
they only track IFR traffic..... 