I moved my plane several times on a 6' and a 7' wide trailer. I used
a 8'6" long 2x12 board screwed and bolted to the trailer to set the mains on
since the plane is 8'6" wide. Main wheel pocket boxes were built with
2x4's screwed to the 2x12. A 2x4 pocket box was also built for the nose
wheel. With the trailer hitch on the ground roll the plane up ramps
into the main gear pockets and screw on the front of each pocket. Also
hauled it tail to the front of the trailer, with the mains behind the trailer
fenders, but had to add significant trailer tongue weight (buckets of
concrete). One 80# sack of premix concrete with the water fills a 5 gallon
paint bucket and weighs 100#. (I now use the 2 concrete buckets for the tail
hold-down when the plane is on the jack stands.
Gary Edwards