To change the belt, the prop has to be removed. To change the alternator, as soon as you loosen the holding bolt and the belt tensioning nut & bolt, the belt will slip right off.
From: Steve Reeves <sreeves@sc.rr.com>
Date: January 17, 2008 6:00:49 AM GMT-05:00
In my ongoing quest to track down my electrical gremlins, I am going to remove my alternator and have it tested, as well as check all my connections and crimps (and may just buy a new one). This is a dumb question, but in my years of racing bikes and tinkering with cars, I have never had to remove an alternator (yes shocking I know). Are there any tips/tricks for removing the belt and the alternator on the plane (mine is an O-320). Thanks for any advice.
Steve Reeves
Glasair 1FT 38SR
Lorn H. 'Feathers' Olsen, MAA, ASMEL, ASES, Comm, Inst
DynaComm, Corp., 248-345-0500, mailto:lorn@dynacomm.us
LNC2, FB90/92, O-320-D1F, 1,300 hrs, N31161, Y47, SE Michigan