Mailing List Message #45249
From: Colyn Case on earthlink <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Re: [LML] Lancair IVP for sale and increased fuel/range.
Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2007 14:40:30 -0500
To: <>
Carl,  ouch!   where were you 3 years ago when I was in the market?
Anyway, I looked into expanding wing tanks.  you have to peel off the bottom skin, seal the new bays, reskin, leak test, purge, rework, repaint.   So you have to find someone who owes you a favor or is out of work.
However, an alternative is to put a tank right behind the rear seat bulkhead.  However, this only works with certain loadings and depends on the CG of your aircraft. I had one built by fuel-safe in Bend.   It exactly fits the space between the extended luggage floor (top of gear well where the wheels are) down to the bottom of the rear seat pressure bulkhead.   Mine holds 21 gallons.   There's a variant of the 2-way fuel valve with vapor return that is 3-way.
In my airplane the CG implications are one 140lber or less in the back seat, but you are going to be over gross if you do more than that anyway.  My airplane has more forward CG than most IV's though. YMMV
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