Mailing List Message #45237
From: Chuck Jensen <>
Sender: <>
Subject: RE: [LML] GAMI Injectors?
Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2007 14:40:30 -0500
To: <>
First, it should be understood that the EGT you see means NOTHING.  EGTs can vary 10s or 100s of degrees based on sensor position.  All you should be interested in is whether #6 peaks at close to the same fuel flow as the other cylinders.  You do not care what the peak temp is....just that it occurs at close to the same fuel flow of the other cylinders.  If your cylinders don't peak within 0.2-0.4 gph of each other, then you may benefit from balancing your injectors for smoother and more efficient operations at lean of peak (LOP).
GAMI somewhat (re)invented the balanced injector business and has done a lot of innovative work in the engine arena.  With that said, my personal preference is Airflow Performance in Greenville, SC.  Instead of replacing the entire injector, AFP installs an injector body in the injector port and then it is very simple to disconnect the fuel line and remove the injector needle to be replaced with the new.  Very quick and I like the idea of not unscrewing and screwing anything into the engine ports multiple times.  In general, AFP is 30%-40% less expensive for the same results.  With that said, GAMI does an excellent job and its good to see them rewarded for the ground breaking efforts they have undertaken which benefits everyone, whether we are their direct customer or not. 
I would suggest that you go to the GAMI website and download the form for running a lean test.  That will tell you if your injectors are out of balance---that being your fuel flow to achieve peak EGT across all the cylinders varies more than a few tenths GPH.  You can also do the same thing on the back of an envelope or kneeboard.  Just progressly lean the engine and note at what GPH each EGT starts to drop.  That will tell you the "spread" as well.  If you are out of balance, you'll be surprised at the efficiency and smoothness that balancing can bring.  Is there a dollar payback...maybe, but the sense of satisfaction is priceless.

Chuck Jensen
-----Original Message-----
From: Lancair Mailing List []On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2007 6:24 PM
Subject: [LML] GAMI Injectors?

Just wondering if anyone as any experience....Pro/Con with the GAMI injector system.  I am running a Performance IO-550 in a Legacy.

Have noticed that the #6 cylinder is consistently running about 100 degrees hotter (leaner) EGT.  If not the GAMI injectors, is there any other way to bring the EGT's more in line, thus allowing more effective leaning possibilities? 

Also, do the GAMI injectors tend to hold their setting or is it a constant process to keep them in line?


Erik Larson

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