I do not know the details of the kit you have. But, it seems to me
that if you have 235 kit #11 which was probably originally purchased in late
1985 or early 1986, and it was built, then you have the 235 spars. The 320
airframe did not come out until 1988.
I also know that Lancair reduced the main spar strength requirement of the
builder installed main spar center box closeout construction subsequent to
the early kit numbers. So, if you have kit #11, it is likely you may have
a stronger main spar than subsequent 235's.
When Lancair built #001, the completed wings each weighed 36 pounds
(verifiable). The bare wing spar weighed 9.25#, the finished wing spar
weighed 11.25#, the bare wing skin weighed 10.25#. So, finished wing spar
and bare wing skin total 21.5#. I do not believe there is 28.5# of ribs,
layups, tank sealer, idler arm hardware, fuel tank control arm tube, and other,
added, to arrive at your estimated 50# wing weight.
Gary Edwards
Medford, Oregon
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2007 3:24
Subject: [LML] Re: limit Gs for 235 (kit
Many thanks for great info. I don't
have any of those newsletters.
Assuming the tested gross (tested
the left half of the wing from (fusl) centerline outward) then was 1400 lbs/2,
less (est. wt. of the wing itself (50-lbs too high?), loaded to 9000
lbs (ult., failure), that works out to 9000/650 = 13.8Gs. Also, the newsletter says 4.4Gs x 1.82 (that
equals 8Gs) So at 9000 lbs/8 = a gross of 1125 lbs?
Also, the newsletter says they
increased the size of the main spar inserts (the sparcaps?) before
releasing any kits. So, how can one tell what one has/
What am I missing?
Terrence O'Neill