Mailing List Message #45223
From: Kyrilian Dyer <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Re: [LML] Fuselage drain holes AD
Date: Tue, 04 Dec 2007 18:24:14 -0500
To: <>
Besides water entering, freezing and jamming the controls I'd also be concerned with its effect on CG.  If as much water collects in the tail cone as described recently on a Legacy the total aircraft CG may move sufficiently aft to adversely influence longitudinal static stability.  I'd also be concerned that water accumulation (frozen or not) in a flight control surface could create a flutter problem.

Duane Allen <> wrote:
Following the prior discussion about LNC drain holes or lack thereof, you might want to take a look at this AD.  I am not sure a Lancair can trap water in an area to be detrimental but just an FYI.
duane N39wg

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