Posted for randy snarr <randylsnarr@yahoo.com>:
I just shot a reply post off to Christian Meier in Switzerland about my
canopy seal (Similar to Legacy) mod and I realized there have been several
people that have asked me about this. So, if you are still in the building
stage and need more to do (chuckle) I have attached some pictures that help
illustrate how I did mine.
These pictures would have cut the mod time in half . I am too stupid to be
able figure it all out in my head from the start. I had to get it close and
keep changing it until it worked.
This is the result of much trial and error. The seal has worked very well.
I get a good seal with no drafts or wind whistle.
Used neoprene white adhesive weatherstrip from home depot. It cost around $6
or so.
Randy L. Snarr
Salt Lake City, Utah