Posted for "FredE" <fwegli@astound.net>:
Did the break occur mid stream, or at a termination?
Fred Egli LIV N1228E
I had a Nyla-Flo brake line failure in December, 2004 after ten years of
operation and about 1100 hours.
It was a cold morning and I was ready to crank up, and in checking the
breaks prior to engine start up, the right brake just faded away to nothing.
The brake line had parted, under that brake pressure, in the wheelwell where
it traveled between ribs on its way to the cockpit closeout rib. I ordered
new Nyla-Flo brake line and replaced both sides on the same route as I
originally installed them. If they last another ten years it will be longer
than I can last.
George Shattuck