Mailing List Message #38697
From: Gary Casey <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Re: New (2006) TSIO550E Lean of Peak (LOP) Operation
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2006 12:00:15 -0500
To: <lml>

It appears as though the peaks below are obtained by looking at the last fuel flow setting that was obtained before the temperature started to drop.  My usual method is to plot the temperature against fuel flow and then pick a "best fit" straight line on the rich and lean sides.  The interstections of these straight lines is the fuel flow  I use for peak.  This is a lot of manual labor, probably mostly because I have taken the data manually and then plotted it in the same way, not being a Excel expert.  Which is the best way?
Gary Casey

From: "Jeffrey Liegner, MD" <>
Date: November 26, 2006 6:44:05 PM PST
Subject: Re: New (2006) TSIO550E Lean of Peak (LOP) Operations

George is the most renowned advisor on tuned injectors and engine management.

What I thought was a fairly tight grouping of EGT peaks with the new TCM engine appears to be less than optimum compared to GAMI standards.

Replotting the data with more carefully analysis at the peak temps:
        PEAK    Fuel Flow
        Cylinder 1: 21.1 gph
        Cylinder 2: 21.6 gph
        Cylinder 3: 21.1 gph
        Cylinder 4: 21.8 gph
        Cylinder 5: 21.0 gph
        Cylinder 6: 21.6 gph

Spread: 0.8 gallons per hour

                (This stuff is fascinating)

Posted for "George Braly" <>:

    If  that is a TCM copy of  GAMI's fuel injector set up,  they you need
 to ask for your money back.
    That is a fairly lousy set of  fuel /air ratios.
    Your #4 consistently is the leanest cylinder and your # 1 & 5 are
 consistently rather much richer ( by 1 gph or so).
    This is not a trivial issue for one of the se engines.   They tend to
 operate much better with the  F/A ratios such that the spread in fuel
 flows is down around 0.3 gph.
    Regards,  George

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