During the build of my 235 (back in the days when the builder's maunal was mostly hand-written and the illustrations were mostly hand-sketches) the requirement for thick, squared-off trailing edges was applied only to the ailerons. The reason given was that sharp trailing edges exhibited a slight dead-band so that the stick had to be moved a bit before there was a response. Since I followed the advice and made my aileron trailing edges about 1/4 inch thick long before first flight, I have no idea whether I would have had the dead-band or not - suffice it to say, there is absolutely no dead-band in my roll control. All other trailing edges, flaps, rudder and elevator were not constructed in this manner - they are relatively sharp (maybe 1/32 in.) consistent with what I considered was required to make a strong skin to skin bond.
Further, during my test flying phase, I carefully worked my way to about Vne + 10% searching for any hint of flutter onset and found none.
Dan Schaefer
Early 235 - N235SP