Posted for Kevin Kossi <kevin@airforcemechanical.com>:
The only thing that differentiates the Legacy, or any other Experimental
plane for that matter for me, is the simple fact that I can experiment or
make customizations as I see fit. In that regard I feel adding a parachute
will give me an added option in a variety of worst case situations. It's not
just spins I am concerned about. There have been plenty of planes that have
had engine fires, it's a simple fact of combining fuel, vibration and heat.
Chat, how about this; I promise you I will not even try to get out of the
plane if it spins, I'll just sit there and wait for the ground.
But in any other case I'll use the chute if I feel it is a better option
than trying to land in conditions that may not be favorable to my survival.
Kevin Kossi
New York City
Legacy 60%