Mailing List Message #36033
From: Stuart Adams <>
Sender: <>
Subject: IVP Crash
Date: Sun, 21 May 2006 13:35:54 -0400
To: <lml>

I am currently flying a Legacy and have not experienced any of the issues that have been discussed so far in this thread.  I had great transition training from Charlie Kohler which I think is a huge plus but the plane itself is a joy to fly.  It makes sense that the small surface area of the wing which helps derive the speed at altitude also demands more speed in the pattern.   Unfortunately, stall/spin accidents happen quite often and to almost every type in GA.  If RA thinks Lancairs are “twitchy” maybe he should hand fly an approach in a Cirrus SR22 (of which I have 300+ hours) – my point is that with less than 1 hour in type RA is wrong to be blasting these planes – he has no credible basis.  I find the CAFÉ flight tests to be quite unbiased and saw nothing in them that would lead one to the accusations so proposed.


Happy flying,



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