I also followed the discussion regarding safety and
experience. I do thank Charlie Kohler, Pete Zacagnino
and others that have given their time to teach me safe
techniques. The airplane is a high performance (my
182TRG was also a high performance but what a joke,
stalled at 35 kts and cruised at 165 kts) there is a
big difference. I disagree with Peter Garrison. His
Melmoth which I saw at Oshkosh last year besides being
very ugly (sorry...) is not a high performance
airplane and cannot be compared to a IV-P. Mr.
Garrison will do well to fly and get some experience
before making comments. I doubt that the wing load
characteristics of his Melmoth come close to the IV-P.
Flying is dangerous as Surgery is dangerous but
training and luck always help.
I will not trade my IV-P for any other airplane and I
do not believe there is an alternative at the price.
fly safely