X-Virus-Scanned: clean according to Sophos on Logan.com Return-Path: Received: from [] (account marv@lancaironline.net) by logan.com (CommuniGate Pro WebUser 5.0.9) with HTTP id 1121549 for lml@lancaironline.net; Sat, 20 May 2006 18:36:49 -0400 From: "Marvin Kaye" Subject: Re: [LML] Re: IVP Crash To: lml X-Mailer: CommuniGate Pro WebUser v5.0.9 Date: Sat, 20 May 2006 18:36:49 -0400 Message-ID: In-Reply-To: <446F95C6.7010002@optonline.net> References: <446F95C6.7010002@optonline.net> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1250"; format="flowed" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Posted for Jack Cowell : OK, Mr. Ayers, I promise this is my last posting on this subject. Through all of the emails on this accident, I will admit that I have lost the point you were trying to make. Here is my point: I'm an average pilot who has had the benefit of above average training. In 500 hours in Lancairs, whenever I follow the pilot instruction guidelines the likes of Mike Mahar and Pete Zaccagnino have instilled in me, my IVP flies like a jewel. My bottom line: A Ferrari is not a Toyota Camry. It is not designed or supposed to be, and it's a fool's errand to try to make it one. In my experience, if a Lancair is constructed according to recommended specifications, it performs like any other high performance vehicle. If you are a competent pilot who has had competent training, you and your Lancair high performance aircraft will perform consistently, predictably, and as advertised. Your bottom line: If you can produce a high performance aircraft that is superior to a Lancair, do it. The buyers will fly a path to your door. If you cannot, your efforts will have been in vain and your investment will not have been profitable. No, let's all get on with other -- and hopefully more positive and productive-- pursuits.