On the Chelton Flight System's Primary Flight Display there is a
computed AOA that shows up when you get down into the yellow speed band. You get
a one "Stall" warning over the audio, and when you get into the Red you get a
double "STALL STALL". Also, a visual stall symbol shows above the center
doughnut ring that is yellow with wings and feathers. You can instantly see the
amount of pitch you could pull before these two would come together turning red
and stalling. These move closer together with added G or lower speed. Also, on
the left side speed tape where it shows V speeds the Vs changes color as above
and moves up the tape with G increase over 1.1 G. I think over 1.2 G the G meter
shows but not usually when approaching stalls unless an accelerated stall. This
is all computed from AHRS measurements and requires that you set the system up
with your own tested stall speed. BTW, my stall speed could vary widely form
Very Heavy to Light so I just don't go there. On approach in my L4P I hold 100
KIAS on short final, in landing configuration, and I have been in windshear and
turbulence that showed 125 and 95 KIAS in the last 200 ft. more than once. So by
then your flying attitude and land very fast.
IMHO the CFS has done it well. You don't have to look around the panel or
away from your speed indication much to know everything. 380 hrs later and I
still love this system.
Jim Hergert
N6XE (An Sexy)
L4P 380