Lycoming Spec # 2283-G for the O-320-D series says "For
maximum engine life, the CHT should not exceed 475F above 75% power and 435F at
75% and below." Kas Thomas, in AIRCRAFT ENGINE OPERATING GUIDE, says "Pilots of
so-called high performance aircraft are often squemish about leaving the
""balls-to-the-wall"" for more than a minute or two after takeoff, when
actually there is no legitimate reason to be squemish at all (unless of
course CHT or oil temperature are approaching redline). In certification
testing, engines are required to spend many hours at full power, with CHT and
oil temperatures a specified amount above redline." (Emphasis
his). Also, " ...cylinders will generally last longer if maintained at
no more than 435 degrees." I have another source that mentions the range in
my posting, but I don't have it here. When I get it, I will post