Sometimes, hardware is a mystery to me!
I am trying to complete my air/oleo strut servicing system. I have the nitrogen cylinder and gauges/regulator. A fellow Legacy builder loaned me his fill hose assembly until I get mine completed. I would like to use the same/similar T-Handle air chuck pictured below. The chuck is screwed on to the shrader valve, then the t-handle is turned clockwise which depresses the valve stem to allow nitrogen to flow into the strut. Rotating the T-handle counterclockwise allows the valve stem to close and the chuck can then be removed from the shrader valve.
I have checked with my Legacy friend, local hose shops, the nitrogen supply facility, and many online sites, but still cannot find where to purchase the chuck.
Do you know where I might be able to find this little jewel?
Thanks in advance,
John Kleber