The manual calls for the static ports to be located 83 3/8" back from the
firewall joggle in a line with the canopy joggle. But there are 2 ways that
you could accomplish that. A) you could measure that along the contour of
the fuselage or B) you could project a straight line back and transfer it to
the side of the fuse. The difference between the two is about 5/8 of an
inch. Same with the line where the static port is to be positioned. If you
take a straight edge and level it with the canopy joggle and then bend it to
match the fuselage that line will be about 5/8 of an inch higher due to the
contour of the fuselage.
The book shows a straight line, so I suspect the *right* way to do this is
by projecting a straight line and transferring it. But before I go messing
up, I figured I better check with the experts.
How did you do you static port measuring, marking?
Thanks in advance,