Gerard, the schematics you refer to are merely the proof that there really
is more than one way to skin a cat.
They both depict essentially the same circuit, except the first shows diodes
as arc suppressors across the relay coils and motor windings, and the second
has diodes AND Metal Oxide Varistors (MOV's). The location of components on
a schematic drawing has no meaning as long as they are shown connected the
same way. Granted, there are a few parts shown on the first schematic that
aren't on the second, but they aren't germane to the discussion and
understood to be there.
As an aside, the second schematic shows a bit of "belt and suspenders"
approach (unless a diode fails, the MOV doesn't do a thing, and vice versa)
but the components are cheap - and what price redundancy?
Dan Schaefer