The way I like to say it is:
Vnew HPnew
---- = cubeRoot ( ----- )
Vold HPold
Vnew = Vold * cubeRoot ( HPnew / HPold )
Vnew = 185 * cubeRoot ( 200 / 180 )
= 185 * cubeRoot ( 1.1111... )
= 185 * 1.0357...
= 191.61
Colyn said
Is that cube root (1+ (delta HP/HP))
or ((1+delta HP)/HP)
Pretty sure the intent is to take the cube root of a per centage change in HP, so that would be cube root (1 + (20/180)) not cube root (21/180). The former gives about 1.0357 or a gain in speed of about 3.57%. The latter would give about .4886 or a huge net loss in speed.
Lorn H. 'Feathers' Olsen, MAA, DynaComm, Corp.
248-345-0500, mailto:lorn@dynacomm.ws
LNC2, O-320-D1F, 1,100 hrs, N31161, Y47, SE Michigan