You could say that I suppose.
I always cruise LOP.
I always descend with the mixture very retarded
also. I understand this is good for the engine.
Any form of descent checklist will have you
checking the mixture along the way.
If the engine complains at all at leveloff,
checking the mixture and fuel flow are the first things to do.
I don't see much danger in this -- it's more like
normal ops.
I do appreciate that the first time it happened in
a new unfamiliar plane was a learning experience.
Real danger is when you don't adjust the mixture to
rich before landing and then for any reason need a bunch of power on
Mark Ravinski
N360KB 1361 hrs
Posted for "Joseph Neustein, MD" <>:
Mark: In your
experience would running lean of peak in high atlitude cruise
the danger of forgetting to readjust the mixture in descent or
there be some earlier feedback before leveling off that something was
not running just quite right with the engine?