The back of my jig rested on the top of the trailing edge, not centered on the chord line. However, I was comparing "apples to apples". Every measurement was taken the same left to right. Since the trailing edges are the same thickness, the measurement from the top should be perfectly accurate for left to right comparisons. I wasn't measuring "absolute" incidence, I was measuring "relative" incidence.
I measured to the trailing edge of the top wing skin and to the trailing edge of the flaps, no real difference since I was very careful to have my flap angles the same. The difference in incidence didn't start until the last 3 or 4 feet of the wing anyway.
I measured to the trailing edge of the ailerons, and to the training edge of the wing skin forward of the ailerons. No real difference. As I said before, you can stand behind my plane and see the difference in the wings, on looks definitely thicker by eyeball.