>" One issue that I do have is the traditional scraping of the inside of the
nose gear door by the gear as it comes out of the well because the door is
not getting out of the way fast enough"
I think most of us LNC2 owners are resigned to the fact that the nose gear
pushing the door open to get out is an inherent characteristic of the
design. Whenever I go to a fly-in where LNC2's are present, I look at the
top of the gear doors. I have probably seen about 100. I have only seen
one that didn't have an arc scratched on top of the gear door. This was a
freshly painted job. Maybe he flew in with the gear down.
One thing that can contribute to this problem is if you drop your gear at
too high an airspeed. I usually slow to 120 MPH or less before dropping the
Bob Jude