Roy Bailets, who has many years of
experience, including projects for Burt Rutan, competition
sailplanes, Nemesis, etc.. uses this technique.
Get a rag dripping wet with primer (his
reference was PPG K200 Primer but the same principle should apply) and scrub it
in with a circular motion on about a one square foot area. Then let it sit for a few minutes while you are
scrubbing the next section. "At this point it is going to look really
nasty". Repeat step one and continue until you finish or before
the any area loses its "tack", then spray on a third
coat. "This will get rid of 99% of the pin holes".
I heard Roy describe this and other
finishing techniques in a Forum at Oshkosh. He had so much information I
bought an Audio Tape to make sure I could remember it all. I reviewed
that tape to confirm this but I have not tried it myself.