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This is a follow up on the engine failure I had with the Cont-550 TSO 6.5hr
time. The tear down was done at the factory and the resulting failure was
blamed on the second oil pump for the turbo's. The shaft that drives the
pump broke and the oil that was in the engine exited through the turbo's
until there wasn't any left and then the engine seized. The FAA was at the
tear down and will be issuing a written report to me, but it takes the FAA
some time to type it out. I have heard that there have been other failures
of this part but that is heresay and I have no proof. If there is a on
going problen I would expect the FAA to do and AD but I have not seen it
Now to let you know how everything was handled financially. Lancair took
the bull by the horns and did a very good job on warranty. I was told
yesterday that Continental has paid all monies for the repairs on the bill
I submitted to them. Take off wings and transport, fixed base operator to
take out engine and install new one, all shipping, new prop and paying Don
Goetz to fly back out here and do testing again. I am very satisified with
how things have been handled by LANCAIR (Amber & Don) and Connintental did
a good job in the warranty department and shipped a new engine as soon as
the problem was determined to be their fault.
I want to also bring up that I have been called by a couple of builders
that plan to use V-8 engines and I would like to know if and when they have
a problem will they get a new engine and all related costs paid for by that
engine builder ? I say not no mater what they say. The Continentals
engines although sometimes they have problems have more hours on them and
success behind them than any V-8 and I feel a lot safer with the
continental. I also have heard that Jim Rahm has been sending out copies
of the article I wrote on the engine failure and using it to sell engines.
Well I will tell everyone that if you buy a heavy V-8 from someone who
claims and promises everything under the sun but doesn't produce BUYER BE
"BUY A PROVEN ENGINE and go flying not waiting to get a chance to fly" a
guote fron Don Goetz and I took his advise and I am flying everywhere.
Dan Schott