Mailing List Message #20139
From: John Schroeder <>
Sender: Marvin Kaye <>
Subject: Cabosil
Date: Sun, 24 Aug 2003 01:45:31 -0400
To: <lml>
grind the bad area to prep for bonding, dampen the core edge and bond in place with Cab-O-Sil thickened epoxy.

Dan -

In a previous post re IV cowl heat damage, you mentioned the above. Since you are also building an ES, could you provide some more guidelines on the use of Cabosil? I used it on a Glasair when doing vinylester resin and chopped glass mixes. It sure helped the consistency. When I asked Lancair about using it with chopped cotton, they basically had no suggestions because of a lack of experience.

Where and when would you use it in the e-glass of the ES?

Many Thanks,


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