Mailing List Message #20130
From: <>
Sender: Marvin Kaye <>
Subject: L4P Heat Damage Cowl
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2003 15:06:28 -0400
To: <lml>
I would like to know if anyone else has observed this on their iv-p
and has any recommendations on how to fix the problem.
John Wright
Colorado Springs

Hi John,
I have 200 hrs on my carbon cowl and I noticed the heat effect on the inside of my cowl at about the 10 hr mark because I have the Tank Seal on the inside and very expensive paint on the outside. I purchased a sticky backed heat shield from J. C. Whitney which was 24 in. by 12 in. I cut it in half and placed it inside the cowl at the appropriate place with the rear lip covering the seam gap to the firewall. My outside paint showed some leakage of hot air at that lower area. I cleaned the outside paint and haven't seen this again. However, the glue on the heatshield does not hold up at the leading edge where the airflow is trying to peal it off. Almost everytime I remove the cowl I cut the loose leading edge off. I'm now back to where it does little good. The Tank Seal Gray color turns brown where the Turbo heat is but it seams to have stayed that way. I have also thought of putting an Aluminum shield on the outside of the Turbos but the clamping and vibration will need to be watched very close. Al it really needs is a piece of metal in-between the cowl and the turbo, not insulated, just to stop the radiation heat. These turbos glow Red Hot at cruise power.

I too would like to hear what others have done.

Jim Hergert
N6XE, "An Sex Y" L4P

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