Fellow Legacy builders, as you may know, with the current kit hardware, it
is difficult, if not impossible, to achieve a forward nose gear rake. The
manual calls for plus 1 to plus 5.
Forward rake is a good idea as it is a bit stronger when hitting potholes,
adds to steering stability, and reduces the tendency to shimmy.
The solution to the problem is to install slightly longer nose gear links.
Since I couldn't convince Lancair to make these available, I went to their
source and had a new set of CAD instrutions made for their
computer-controlled laser cutting process. During this time, Lancair also
changed the shape of the curve (on the "ears") slightly to provide better
clearance, so I went with their new curve also.
The new links improved my rake from about 0.8 degrees to 3.2 degrees
(measuring with a smart level).
Initially, I had several sets of these links made up and other builders
quickly took them off my hands. Since that time, I have received requests
for another batch to be made up. As these are pricey little buggers, I'd
like to order just what is needed.
Therefore, if any of you Legacy builders would like the longer links, please
let me know. They cost $80 per set. They are identical to what Lancair
supplies, except they are longer, thus increasing the forward rake of your
nose gear.
I have included a photo in case anyone is wondering just what part that I am
referring to.
Ron Jones