Mailing List Message #20122
From: Gary Edwards <>
Sender: Marvin Kaye <>
Subject: Gas caps
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2003 08:39:54 -0400
To: <lml>
>I have an LNC2 which was kit no. 313.
>It has the old fuel caps in which the rubber has expanded until it takes a
>pair of vice grips to remove the caps.

>Does anyone have any idea who made these older caps or how I can find
>replacement caps.

>Lancair does not remember where they got them and have had no suggestions.
I have LNC2 kit number 212 (235/320).  I replaced the original caps with the newer style which has the nylon ramp for better operation of the o-ring.  They are direct replacement for the originals as they are from the same manufacturer.  Lancair (Vern) and Van's RV has them.
Gary Edwards

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