> Are you going to attend the Lancair fly-in?
nope... I hafta be in VT that weekend.
> At airadventure Rob Logan spoke about the need for another valve in
> the hydraulics system in case of a leak in seal from the high pressure to the low
> pressure side and you can't get the gear down.
hmm, I was trying to talk about "know thy plane". There is nothing wrong
with the LNC2 or Legacy hyd gear system. But if you have a leak
from the "gear up" side to the "gear down" side of the hyd system its
possible to have both pressure switches tripped so the gear won't
move no matter what position the gear selector switch is in.
This is well documented:
1) if you note the hyd pump light blink in-flight or hear the hyd
pump for a sec when you turn the master on, you have a leak...
2) Scott Krueger is right when he tells us "Fix the leak!!"
3) To para phrase one Sierra Hotel LNC2 driver. "ohh, just crack
the gear dump valve when you don't see three greens, I do
it all the time"
4) if you are the kinda person who adds the complexity of two
batterys, and two alts with all its added failure modes just so
you can fly to your destination when one alt fails, you could
add a solenoid activated when the gear is up to drain any
down side pressure into the reservoir. This added complexity
so you can fly to your destination with a known hyd leak.
May's plane has this valve installed, but it hasn't flown yet..