In a message dated 8/20/2003 11:16:38 AM Central Daylight Time, cgalley@qcbc.org writes:
AVGAS ....
Also contains aromatics to enhance the octane that will remove some planes and swell shut MIL 6000 fuel line.
That's why experimentals are so good. I use teflon with SS braiding for all the fluid lines - same as modern race cars.
After doing a Google search on MIL6000 fuel lines, the question would be why anyone, including the military, would use such crap. I cannot copy the text from the pdf doc describing the specs, but note that there is some commentary about lengths longer than 18 inches tending to collapse. l also think that the fuel it was referring to is JET fuel. Even Kitfox recommends that you don't use MIL 6000.
MIL SPEC does not guarantee quality. Consider old mil spec wire coverings - once they start burning they kill you. Thus, the reason that military fighters all have ejection seats (I hope they are not mil spec).
Scott Krueger