Posted for "Randy Snarr" <randy@telamerica.com>:
I hope this doesn't cause new rift "car paint vs airplane paint"
But painted my 150 6 years ago. I researched and found
the paint used on many new citation and other jets.
Jet Glow manufactured by Pratt and Lambert. They have a small airplane
verson called acroglow
that hardens a little faster. (fewer bugs/lint ect in the paint?
After 6 years the paint still looks new new new!
Use the stuff with the clear coat and you will not be disapointed.
One other thought, it also is not a bad idea to use the stuff your painter
is familiar with. They get good at using a certain brand and there are many
good brands.
Most bad paint jobs have nothing to do with the brand of paint.
You get a good painter with a quality paint and toss in a paint scheme that
well,um, works you have something.
Randy L. Snarr
Not even thinking about paint...