Mailing List Message #16757
From: Rob Logan <>
Sender: <rob>
Subject: [Fwd: [Fwd: Public review of GPS planning documents]]
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2002 11:10:58 -0500
To: <>

forwarded from another mailing list

  From: Richard Langley <>

According to an item in the 25 November 2002 issue of Space News, quoting the
Pentagon's Selected Acquisition Reports, the launch of the first GPS Block
II-R satellite will be delayed by 14 months "due to problems with the
satellite's signal processing that were not found until late in the testing
process. Additional time is needed to complete the power supply for the
satellites." The projected launch date has been moved to July 2004.
Apparently, there is no delay in the planned launch of the first Block II-F
satellite, still scheduled for 2005.


Have you ever wanted to let the U.S. government know what to do
to improve the Global Positioning System, but did not know how to
go about communicating this? Now is your chance. Also, this is an
opportunity to learn a lot about the detailed plans and then, maybe
decide to send in your comments and influence the future of GPS.

The GPS Joint Program Office (JPO) has a formal process for the
distribution and public review of the GPS planning documents, and
right now they are soliciting comments on two very important ones.
These documents will affect the entire GPS civil user community.

They are; 1) Proposed Interface Revision Notice (PIRN) 200C-007,
which involves revisions to the Interface Control Document (ICD)
ICD-GPS-200 (for L1 & L2), and also 2) the ICD-GPS-705 (for L5).

The process is carried out through the Public Interface Control Working
Group, or ICWG (pronounced ick-wig). Anyone may volunteer to join
the ICWG and that will put you on the JPO's e-mail list to be kept up to
date on the process. The ICWG includes international representatives
and the ICWG process can be an important way to ensure that GPS
decisions are made with strong input from those of you who are very
involved with other GNSS efforts. So, it is hoped that some of you may
chose to join the ICWG and dedicate some of your energy and ideas
to help ensure GNSS coordination and inter-operability.

Here is the ICWG web page for obtaining these important documents
and the forms which you should use for providing your comments:

On the web site you will see that the suspense date for the PIRN
is today (Dec. 9, 2002). Your input is still valued, however, through
as late as the end of December (the sooner the better). The ICD
for L5 is not as urgent.

I hope that many of you will delve into these documents and find
creative ways to help make GPS even better. If you could please
send me a copy of any substantive feedback you may submit to the
GPS JPO, I would very much appreciate it.

Thank you very much for your consideration,

        Ken Hudnut
        U. S. Geological Survey
        Pasadena, CA   USA

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