Mailing List Message #16734
From: <>
Sender: Marvin Kaye <>
Subject: Re: [LML] Re: aileron balancing
Date: Mon, 09 Dec 2002 19:43:08 -0500
To: <lml>
The correct way to balance ailerons is neutral around the hinge line and remember this -

1. Control pushrod attachment will add a mass ahead of the hinge line during 1-G flight.  In the case of engine/prop/speed/turbulence induced wing/aileron vibration, the pushrod can also load and unload on the aileron - but ahead of the hinge line.

2.  At least in 320/360's, there is plenty of pushrod "lash" in the aileron system - this can lead to "buzz" even with weight balancer stiffeners.   Ailerons at cruise neutral have very little "load" on them so, just a suggestion, consider rigging both ailerons slightly "up", thus generating a wee air load to eliminate the lash dead band.

Scott Krueger

PS On my airplane, the 1/2 moon weights extended almost the full length of the curved leading edge before painting.  I had to add about 1.5 inches of 1/2 moon weight after painting.  I don't have the stiffeners that many have mentioned (this was a slow build 320, kit circa 1989) and, rigged slightly up, the ailerons exhibit no tendency to vibrate.  Perhaps the number of times I heated the curved leading edge for fit (before and after glassing) added to their stiffness.  No micro fill was used to finish the fit to the wing.
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